Authorities will decide if evacuation is necessary based primarily on the type and amount of chemical released and how long it is expected to affect an area. Other considerations are the length of time it should take to evacuate the area, weather conditions, and the time of day.



☐ Stay tuned to a radio or television for information on evacuation routes, temporary shelters, and procedures.

☐ Follow the routes recommended by the authorities—shortcuts may not be safe.

☐ If time permits, minimize contamination in the house by closing all windows, shutting all vents, and turning off attic fans.

☐ Take your emergency survival kit.

☐ Your pets will also need to evacuate, take them with you if it is safe to do so.

☐ Remember to help your neighbors who may require special assistance—infants, elderly people and people with disabilities.

☐ Leave the area as soon as possible.